Project Owner: City of Glendale
Project Type: Job Order Contracting
Construction Dates: 06/18 to 04/20

This JOC includes sewer and water infrastructure improvements in public right of way throughout the City of Glendale. Achen-Gardner has completed seven job orders to date, three of which were emergency repairs.

Job Order #1: This project included the emergency installation of 100 LF of 8” PVC sewer and one 60” manhole.

Job Order #2: We installed 460 LF of 4” to 10” water lines, two gate valves, and nine service connections.

Job Order #3: We installed 235 LF of new 24” and 30” concrete irrigation pipe and one SRP Irrigation manhole.

Job Order #4: This emergency repair included two new 60” manholes, 490 LF of 8” sewer, the repair of three water valves, and the removal of 10 existing sewer connections.

Job Order #5: We replaced three water meter vaults at various locations throughout the City.

Job Order #6: This emergency repair included the installation of one 5' manhole base on an existing 18" sewer line.

Job Order #7: We rehabilitated more than 1,100 LF of 8" sewer line with UV CIPP liner.

Job Order #8: We assisted the City of Glendale to contain a break in a 6" water line that left 20 homes out of service. Achen-Gardner crews contained the break, developed a plan to return service to the homes, and replaced more than 1,300 LF of the 6" AC water line with new 8" DIP water line and replaced one fire hydrant.

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